‘G I V I N G A C A R R O T

T H E A T T E N T I O N I T D E S E R V E S’

there is a famous chef that i would make fun of at one of my old restaurant jobs. i would do a bad nordic accent in a very flat tone and talk about vegetables in a heavily dramatic Herzog-like way. at the time i thought this personality took himself and, in particular, carrots far too seriously. i’m also a sucker for a cheap laugh - especially, from line cooks.

in retrospect, i’d like to walk this one back though, because, i suddenly get it. sorry, chef.



serves 4-6

1.5 - 2 lbs young carrots sliced halved

3 tbls labne/skyr or greek yogurt - as long as it’s got tang

1 thinly serrano or other hot pepper

2 tbls lime pickle - you can find this at any South Asian market

2 pinches of Korean chili flakes

fresh dill to taste

chunky sea salt to finish

slice the carrots lengthwise, don’t bother peeling.

on a screaming hot grill, or under a broiler, give the carrots a good char - keep an eye on them, but don’t fuss over them. let the heat do its job - you neither want them to just get sweaty or burn up.

smear the yogurt all over the plate then spoon small dabs of lime pickle on the yogurt.

sprinkle a couple pinches of Korean chili flake all over.

plate the carrots.

sprinkle with dill, thinly sliced Serrano, + sea salt.
