C L A M S + S A U S A G E

M I G H T N O T S E E M L I K E F A S T F R I E N D S -

T H E Y A R E.


there are two types of sausage at play in this dish.

seems like its gonna be a gut buster, right?

it doesn’t have to be.

think about a perfectly seasoned bowl of clams with bright + spicy aromatics of paprika rich Spanish chorizo + a couple glorious nuggets of fennel studded sweet Italian sausage.

do I have you yet?

whatever. just make it. it’s good as hell.



serves two

3 lbs of manila or little neck clams

2 links of sweet Italian sausage removed from their casing

thumb sized piece of dry Spanish style chorizo, diced very small

2 garlic cloves sliced thinly

1/4 yellow onion, diced

1/2 can whole, peeled tomatoes

1/2 cup ish white wine, always

1 1/2 cups chicken or vegetable broth

healthy pinch of dried oregano (i’m allegiant to
Sicilian Oregano for the punch but use what you have)

submerge the clams in a bowl of cool water for at least 30 minutes - minding to change the water twice - once every 10 minutes, so the clams can purge themselves of grit.

meanwhile in a medium dutch oven - heat a good glug of olive oil + a pinch of salt. add finely diced Spanish chorizo + diced onion - sauté until the color of the chorizo has stained the onion then add the garlic.

sauté for 30 seconds then add two healthy glugs of white wine to deglaze.

as the whole thing begins to reduce, take tablespoon sized pieces of sweet sausage and add to the mix. searing on all sides as the wine reduces. if the pan dries up - add a splash more of wine and toss in oregano, stirring all the while.

add the tomatoes and broth.

allow to meld for 5-10 minutes - stirring all the while.

add all the clams to the pot and cover for 6-8 minutes.

the shells should have all opened - discard any that haven't.

spoon the mess into a bowl an garnish with fresh parsley + a drizzle of olive oil.

if you have some bread - drizzle it in olive oil, toast it and soak up all that juice.


